Career developments in Alewijnse: transitioning into project management

Electrical Engineer Bogdan Hincu has been with Alewijnse for over a decade now and is now ready for a new step up in his career: developing his project management skills

Intern Matthijs Mosselaar joins Alewijnse team after master's thesis success

Research on optimising the electrical power system and its design

Learning continuously: The story of Cristina Iorgu

Automation Engineer Cristina Iorgu is the newest addition to our automation team in Galați.
With a declared love for commissioning, Cristina is not ‘connecting’ to Alewijnse for the first time. “I was familiar with Alewijnse, as I worked for several subcontractors. I also knew part of the team and this really helped me fit in”, says Cristina.

Collega Ben
Growing up at Alewijnse: The story of Ben Terwindt

Chief technician Ben Terwindt has been working at Alewijnse for 49 years. He started in 1973 with a group of trainee electricians on a learning-working journey. In the meantime, Ben is approaching retirement age, but he is far from finished with his work on our projects.


Have these stories made you curious and would you like to know more about working at Alewijnse? Then get in touch with us. We'd be happy to tell you more.


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