The Windcat catamaran vessels are used to support the maintenance of offshore wind turbines by transporting technicians, equipment and special cargos to and from the sites.


Alewijnse celebrates its successful partnership with Dutch shipyard Dok and Scheepsbouw Woudsend and offshore services provider Windcat Workboats in the full electrical outfitting of offshore crew transfer vessels (CTVs). The total number of new build and refit installations undertaken by Alewijnse for Windcat at the yard are more than twenty, over a period of fifteen years.

Windcat vessels

The vessels form part of a series of CTVs that owner Windcat Workboats BV is having built at the Dok and Scheepsbouw Woudsend BV shipyard. The Windcat catamaran vessels are used to support the maintenance of offshore wind turbines by transporting technicians, equipment and special cargos to and from the sites. Windcat operates a fleet of over 40 small, fast catamarans of various models. They can be found at work primarily in the North, Irish and Baltic seas, in the waters of seven countries.

Alewijnse on board offshore Crew Transfer Vessels (CTVs) for Windcat

Complete installation

For the Windcat CTV's 40 till 51 and 55, Alewijnse is delivering the complete electrical installations including a console and alarm & monitoring system. A new feature for this series starting with Windcat 41 is the replacement of the conventional batteries with Lithium-Ion equivalents, due to their high energy density. Alewijnse is also assisting the yard in making and installing the aluminum cable trays and foundations.

We have been at the yard Dok and Scheepsbouw Woudsend since 2009, working with the Windcat vessels. The results are well above expectations with almost 20 vessels fitted out to date. The projects have generally gone well for all parties concerned. Woudsend and Windcat have been very satisfied with the quality of the delivered vessels and Alewijnse’s flexibility.

Bertran Smit, Project Manager @Alewijnse

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