Alewijnse was selected by Damen as main electrical installation contractor due to the company’s previous experience.

Cooperation on highly complex defence & security projects

The two parties have previously cooperated on numerous projects, including many highly complex defence & security projects for navies around the world.

Amongst these are several examples for the RNLN. Alewijnse has performed electrical installation for the navy’s Holland Class OPVs and for the Joint Support Ship HNLMS Karel Doorman. Alewijnse has also recently supported the refit of HNLMS Pelikaan at Damen Shipyards Den Helder.

Alewijnse’s involvement in the HNLMS Den Helder project brings not only the knowledge and experience gained via execution of numerous successful projects, but also ensures electrical commonality within the RNLN’s fleet.

Side view (CSS) Den Helder

Investments in best tools and equipment

Florin Nicutaru, Alewijnse segment manager stated, "We look forward to starting the project. It’s always good to be working with Damen. Having undertaken many defence & security-related projects in the past, we are well aware of the complexity and stringent regulations facing us and how to meet these requirements. We are well-prepared, having invested considerably in the best possible tools and equipment and provided our employees with the relevant training necessary to perform their tasks to the high standards demanded of them."

Innovative techniques

Meeting the high complexity of the project is being aided by the application of innovative techniques. “There is a high degree of 3D modelling involved in this project execution. With this we can track every piece of equipment and quickly receive information relating to it. We will be able to monitor processes very carefully and gain an accurate picture of our progress day-by-day for optimal efficiency,” stated Florin.

I am looking forward to collaborating with Alewijnse on this project. Having worked together in the past on similar projects – such as the Joint Support Ship HNLMS Karel Doorman – I am very confident in their suitability for this project.

Arjan Risseeuw, project director @Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding

Knowledge and skills in the Netherlands

The Ministry of Defence of the Netherlands is keen to maintain the knowledge and skills to design and build such ships within the Netherlands and has, therefore, not issued a tender for the Combat Support Ship project elsewhere in Europe. For this, the Ministry invoked Article 346 on the Functioning of the European Union. This states that EU Member States may protect essential security interests, including those related to the production of defence equipment. The Netherlands boasts an extensive naval supply chain with broad capabilities. Alewijnse is amongst more than a hundred Dutch companies operating in the naval sector to be working on this vessel.

HNLMS Den Helder

HNLMS Den Helder will restore the maritime replenishment capacity of the RNLN. She will operate as a replenishment ship like HNLMS Karel Doorman, operating globally, sometimes in high threat situations, under the protection of frigates. Additionally, her work will include the prevention of drug trafficking, the control of refugee flows and provision of emergency aid.

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